Course curriculum
Welcome to the course!
A note from Sony...
Module 1: Child Development
A) Developmental Milestones
B) Social and Emotional Health
C) Temperament
D) Behavior and Cues
E) Protective Factors and Resilience
Module 2: Challenging Behaviors and Risk Factors
A) What is Challenging Behavior?
B) Including All Children
C) Internalizing and Externalizing Behavior
D) Children and Stress
E) Violence, Abuse, and Trauma
Module 3: Finding Children's Strengths
A) Developmentally Appropriate Practice
B) Observing Behaviors
C) Assessing Behaviors
D) Strength Based Approaches
E) Creating a Caring Loving Community
Module 4: Preventing Challenging Behaviours - Part 1
A) Classroom Environment
B) Routines and Transitions
C) Building Relationships
D) Responsibility and Rules
E) Reflective Practice
Module 5: Preventing Challenging Behaviours- Part 2
A) Music, Movement, and Active Play
B) Scaffolding and Skill Building
C) Teaching Problem-solving
D) Feelings are Important
E) Heading Off Bullying
Module 6: Teachers Making a Difference
A) Knowing Yourself
B) Taking Care of Yourself
C) Intentional Teaching
D) Effective Praise
E) Policies and Procedures
Module 7: Working with Families
A) Developing Respectful Partnerships
B) Understanding Cultural Values
C) Communication and Coordination
D) Reducing Family Stress
E) Avoiding Expulsion
Module 8: Developing a Behavior Plan
A) Why is the Child Using the Behavior?
B) Goal Setting
C) Frequency, Intensity, and Duration
D) Six Steps to a Behavior Plan
E) Looking for Outside Help
Module 9: Intervention Strategies - Part 1
A) Intervention Strategies
B) Withdrawn Behaviors
C) Positive Guidance and Discipline
D) Developing Empathy
E) Developing Self-regulation
Module 10: Intervention Strategies - Part 2
A) Responding to Anger and Aggression
B) Time In - Regroup and Reset
C) Making Genuine Amends
D) Addressing Hurtful Behavior
E) Responding to Dangerous Behaviors