A Note From Sony

I meet so many people who tell me that they hate mathematics or that they are not good with numbers...

And when I ask them 'Why not?'... the dislike for maths always stem from their years in primary school... they either found mathematical concepts difficult to follow or they had a teacher who was too hard on them.

This may one day be your children's story too...

Good news is learning Mathematics does not have to be so hard!

And everyone can be good with numbers...
When I learned Mathematics using the Montessori method, I was amazed. Mathematics is so simple and easy to understand. It is also easy to teach.

We need good mathematical knowledge to function as adults: to pay bills, make change, negotiate salaries, and so on. Virtually every career today requires some mathematical skill. Certain other careers usually require advanced mathematical knowledge ... so being good at mathematics is really essential.

As a parent or teacher, you now have the power to teach Mathematics in a simple way to your children using the Montessori method through this course.

The objective of Montessori Math is . . .

To make children truly understand and retain what they learn so they can apply it in the real world.

When you enroll you will receive . . .

  • 4-month access to over 90 training videos that you can play & replay

  • Complete lesson plans for every presentation

  • Email support (within 24-hour response) to our experienced Montessori Trainers

  • Access to our interactive forum

Course Content

  • EMM 1: Introduction

    - Overview on the Second Plane Children

    - Cosmic Education

    - The Fifth Great Story: The Story of Numbers

  • EMM 2: Numeration

    - Wooden Hierarchy

    - Large Bead Frame

    - Laws of Multiplication

    - Multiples

    - Factors

  • EMM 3: Operations

    - Multiplication

    - Division

  • EMM 4: Fractions

    - Fraction Circles

    - Finding common denominators - paper

    - Finding the least common denominators - paper

    - Multiplying fractions on graph paper

  • EMM 4.1: Fractions Part 2

    - Multiplying fractions on paper

    - Dividing fractions using cross multiplication - paper

    - Formulation of the rule of dividing fractions - paper

    - Fraction word problem


  • Do I need to have completed my training in Montessori for 3-6 years to be able to do this course?

    No, there is no requirement for you to have any prior knowledge of teaching children 3-6 years to be able to do this course.

  • Do I need to buy any materials for this course?

    You do not need to purchase the materials immediately. However, you will need to purchase a few along the way. We will guide you with what you need to purchase and what you can substitute / create.

  • My child has not been to a Montessori school before. Can they learn this using this method?

    Yes, they definitely can! Even if your child has not learned Mathematics the Montessori way before, it is not too late for them to learn this way!

  • Does this course only cover the 6-9 years curriculum?

    Even though the recommended ages are 6-9, the modules you are going to learn in this course may cover the upper elementary level. This is because the Montessori curriculum may be ahead of traditional schooling.

  • Will I get a certification?

    You will receive a certificate of completion after you complete the course. Your certificate will be issued by Sunshine Teachers' Training.

  • Are there any assignments in this course?

    There are no assignments in this course. This is purely a learn and implement course for you.

  • Why is this course expensive?

    Learning is an investment that will last you a lifetime. It is quite a small investment compared to what you can do to help children when you complete the course. It covers curriculum from Primary 1 to Primary 3 (you can teach up to primary 5 children). It is great value for your investment and is definitely not expensive!

  • Will I be able to download the videos?

    We prohibit you from downloading any videos. They are all copyright of Sunshine Teachers’ Training. You will have 4 months to learn and master your lessons. We will also give you complete lesson plans and so you will not require the videos.

  • Do you have any other Montessori courses for the elementary level?

    Yes, we do. We provide The Montessori Language Project for Lower Elementary that covers the lessons to teach grammar, the nine parts of speech, sentence structure, tenses, etc.